TheZone © 1994-96 DAPPSoft. All Rights Reserved. Fourth public release This Mac game is shareware US$10 The Team Dario Accornero: CodeMeister Peppe Sciacchitano: GraphMeister Alessio Saitta: ConceptMeister Piero Zardo: ConceptMeister Thanks to the following people for their moral and tech support: Tommaso Tessarolo, Fabio Lombardino, Luca Fiaccavento (for being so comprehensive) Alfonso Sermonti, Marco Greganti, Sam Charap (for local BBS and Net support) Christian Bauer (for his great ShapeShifter) David Hay (for his nice CavemanSoundSystem) and... ...W. A. Mozart, Beastie Boys, Lou Reed, Pina, George Lucas, Uma Thurman, Ed McBain and The Deaf Grape-fruit juice, The Monsters, Woody Allen, Catozzo, Scotland The Brave... Thanks to these fine Beta Testers: Alessandro Calvi, Giuseppe Bianco, IMAGO, Alessandro Levi Montalcini, Marco Piovanelli, Dan Crevier John C. Daub, Sam Charap, Bruce Goldstein, Antoine Rosset, and others Support: Information: